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She’s just not felt it, She says when I visit. She’s a door to door care worker, so a couple years back I was visiting for Xmas, and she had a client last on her calls, and asked if I could pick her up after at 11:30, so I get there and wait untill half one when she finally come out. But she smelt like sex, there is a certain smell I seem to find on people after, I’m sure others can smell it too. So I did ask at the time what have you been doing? You smell like sex, after giving me a 3 degree burn for asking the one question I left it.Fast forward a month or too, she told me she had to go to a disciplinary at work, asked what for etc she said that some of the other Carers have accused her of sleeping with a client, the same one I picked her up from, but she didn’t tell me this at the time, but later did so I’ve added it now. So because of the accusations she was taken off his call but whenever I’m there he calls her private phone not the work one provided. And she will go off to a different part of her house. I don’t care to eavesdrop or pry that’s just not my personality. I’ve just brought a house just waiting for the keys to move in. …

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İtalya'da ”Geleceği Hayal Etmek. Leonardo da Vinci: İtalyan Dehasının Ruhu” sergisi. İspanya'da kraliyet koleksiyonları için Madrid'de yeni müze açılıyor. Börtlüce Mağarası'nın turizme kazandırılması hedefleniyor. Ukrayna'da Kahovka Barajı'nın yıkılmasıyla Herson bölgesi su altında kaldı. İspanya'da son haftalardaki yağışlar kuraklık sorununa çözüm olmadı. Süleymaniye Camisi, Mimar Sinan'ın zeka izleri ile yüzyıllara meydan okuyor. Dolmabahçe Sarayı'nın kullanıma açılışından bugüne 167 yıl geçti. …

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