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Speaking to national broadcaster TRT Haber, Altun urged Sweden to fulfill its obligations under the NATO deal. ”We make a call to the Swedish authorities once again: Take the necessary steps against the members of this terrorist organization immediately, without delay, and fulfill the demands that we have expressed very concretely at this point,” Altun said. Stressing that Türkiye is resolutely fighting terrorist organizations for regional peace and security, Altun said Ankara expects the countries to take action against terrorism. ”Unfortunately, we have seen for a long time that Western countries, European countries, when it comes to terrorism, prefer to support terrorist organizations instead of supporting their allies, Türkiye, against terrorism. By patronizing terrorist organizations, they essentially betray their own social peace and global peace,” he added. This action could have happened in another city in Europe, Altun said, adding that Türkiye would have given them the same response ”very clearly” and condemned them harshly. President Erdogan insistently warns European countries to take steps against terrorist organizations which are not only a threat to Türkiye but also to the whole world. About a question of whether this terrorist organization's act is an attempt to sabotage Sweden's NATO membership process, Altun said: ”First of all, it is the Swedish Government that has to answer this question.” ”Those who did this, say: 'We do not want Sweden to join NATO.' But, they are not our interlocutors. There’s no casino without swedish license trustly such thing. Finland may have to consider advancing its NATO bid without Sweden: Foreign minister. Finland may have to consider advancing its NATO membership application without Sweden if Stockholm's application process is interrupted for much longer, the Finnish foreign minister said on Tuesday. Asked whether Finland should still proceed together with Sweden, Pekka Haavisto told public broadcaster Yle that his country should be able to re-think that strategy if necessary. ”Of course from the perspective of both countries' security, it's absolutely the number-one option,” he said. ”But we have to be ready to re-evaluate the situation. Has something happened that would in the long run prevent Sweden's application from progressing?” ”Now it is too early to take a view on that,” he added. Bu sayede en yakınınızda olan swedish eczaneyi bilgisayar veya telefon gibi çeşitli cihazlar üzerinden görüntüleyebilir ve eczaneye de kolaylıkla erişim sağlayabilirsiniz.
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